Nicholas Pilarski
Nicholas Pilarski
Associate Professor
University of Arizona
People's Culture
Nicholas Pilarski, recognized as one of Filmmaker Magazine's 25 New Faces of Cinema, is an award-winning filmmaker whose co-created interactive media address historic poverty, environmental concerns, and trauma. He creates art that emerges from the communities it depicts, contesting conventional boundaries of subject/author, teacher/student, and spectator/producer. Co-director of the RV-CoLab at ASU, Pilarski's work, celebrated by the MIT Co-Creation Studio, is archived in The Smithsonian's permanent collection, featured in The New York Time and Engadget and has discussed the emergence of XR in global venus. He has advised the Center for Court Innovation and NYC's Office of Technology and Innovation, advocating for community storytelling and XR to promote upward mobility and equity. He is an Associate Professor at Arizona State University in XR Technology and co-director of the Resilient Visions Co-Lab.