Anne-Laure Héritier
Anne-Laure Héritier is Co-Founder and CEO of DiverSsiTy SA, a Swiss-based Health tech
start up focused on personalized care solutions for ASD teenagers using MR.
She is an accomplished leader in e-health innovation and a specialist in mental health and
neurodiversity. With extensive experience in digital health and embedded system, she has a
robust background in developing pioneering projects and tools, particularly in the areas of
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Since 2018, she has also directed initiatives for the pioneer ASD Center for Exceptional
Children(CEC) in China with SIMC SA, Geneva, advancing medical device development and
e-learning support in autism. With over two decades of experience, Anne-Laure contributes
significantly to neurodiversity care innovation.